Tuesday, September 01, 2009

New Contest Announcements on Wealth Masters International's Founders Call, Tonight at 10 pm EST

Be sure to join us tonight at 10 pm EST for the monthly Founders call with Kip Herriage and Karl Bessey. You will be the first to hear about the new contests that WMI has put in place to reward the movers and the shakers who are making it happen. WMI is excited to unveil a new contest for our newest WMI Consultants. Everyone is in the GAME!!! Can you say “ HOUSE GIVEAWAY?” Unreal. And this could be you!!!

We will also be recognizing Top m1 sales for the month of August. Who is number one for last month? You will hear from our Consultant of the Month, Jerry Ellefson. He has been here for only a few months and just came off a multiple 5 figure MONTH. Yes, you read it correctly. MULTIPLE FIVE FIGURES IN A MONTH.

You will get Important updates on the upcoming m2, the development of the NEW m1 Curriculum, which will be released in 2010, and more.

WMI is constantly striving to bring you the best of the best in every important area of your life and to always under promise and over deliver. There are many things going on behind the scenes at WMI and tonight on the Founders call you will get a sneak preview.

Don’t leave any of your Members in the dark! Make sure that you and your team get in early on this call to ensure your seat.

We look forward to having you on the call.

Your WMI Team

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