80 Days from today… Many of you have heard but might not know that much about our upcoming m² Wealth Conference hosted at the fabulous Paris Hotel in beautiful Las Vegas. Others have experienced our m2 Wealth Conferences in the past and know that they’ve been quite life-changing experiences! Well… You need to listen up too, because we are rolling out all the stops for this event, bar none. Here are a few reasons why you’ll want to book your trip immediately:
· Two (2) HOUSES, over $200,000.00 value, will be raffled off at the event (EVERYONE will be eligible, you ONLY need to show up and be in the room) – yes… ACTUAL HOUSES will be given away and YOU have TWO chances to win.
· Major announcements and launches of some *secret* weapons to your marketing arsenal will be unveiled – designed to take your business to a Whole. New. Level.
· Due to the extreme economic turbulence that the world is experiencing right now, we’ve specially booked our speakers to cover these time sensitive issues – featuring: How to protect yourself and profit immensely!
· Completely new promotions STARTING MONDAY designed to pay for your expenses to practically make your trip FREE
· Comprehensive marketing day event hosted by CCPRO follows the m2 Wealth Conference (this event alone should retail for at least $1,995.00)
As you can see, this isn’t something to be taken lightly. In these uncertain times, one thing you can count on is getting properly equipped with the knowledge to move forward in a powerful way. After attending this event you will be completely armed with the tools to take advantage of these “down times” and PROFIT.

Event Details:
Las Vegas, Paris Hotel
Nov 15th – Nov 18thNov 19th CCPRO Marketing Day (Register here http://carboncopypro.com/event/)
To purchase your ticket either contact your sponsor, or click here!https://www.wmitoday.com/office/account/membership.php
We will be announcing much more over the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned. You will be receiving emails as we will gradually unfold each chapter of the m2 Wealth Conference. Stay alert because each turn of the page will be even more exciting than the last! On Monday, we will be revealing the new promotions that will ensure you get recognized on stage at this conference.
Your Wealth Masters International Team
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