As everyone knows, Wayne Allyn Root joined WMI as our Senior Economic and Political Advisor several months ago. In addition to being a self-made millionaire and world class entrepreneur, Wayne was the VP nominee for the Libertarian Party in 2008, and is quite likely the leading candidate to become the party’s Presidential nominee in 2012.
Wayne just published his latest and most important book to date, The Conscience of a Libertarian, which is now quickly climbing the best seller list.
I am emailing my WMI family today to personally endorse Wayne’s book (you can view my review on Amazon below) and to highly recommend this powerful piece of work for your personal library. Just don’t let it sit on your shelf…we are headed down a frightening path that could result in total and complete economic bankruptcy….and our children and grandchildren will be on the hook for every penny of it.
I look forward to your feedback after you read it. Everyone will get a chance to meet and talk to Wayne about his book in person at our next m2 Wealth Conference in Las Vegas (Nov. 15-18), as he will be give the opening keynote address to start the event.
Enjoy the book!
Our Next President, August 5, 2009
by Kip Herriage
Wayne Allyn Root has written an absolute masterpiece that is required reading for anyone that is "mad as hell and not going to take it any longer." If you feel that your voice no longer matters, and that the always-conflicted beltway insiders have taken over our once great Republic, then simply read this will embolden and empower you. Unlike many well-known authors, each written word was his own, as he chose not to use a ghostwriter. And for those that know Wayne, either personally or through his many television, radio, and personal appearances (not to mention the fact that he was the VP nominee for the Libertarian Party), you can hear his always conservative, consistent and determined voice speak the words as you read each page. This is Wayne Allyn Root at his absolute best.
Soon, either next month or next year, the public will see the Obama administration for what it attempt to overthrow essentially every important principal that our founding fathers risked their very lives for. When this day comes, Wayne's book will propel him into the center of the debate for returning America to the greatness we once enjoyed. Wayne Allyn Root for President in 2012!
Kip Herriage CEO, Wealth Masters International
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