Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kip Herriage featured in Wealth Masters International's August edition of the Global Wealth Report

Wealth Creation – Here is Where it Starts

In speaking with Wealth Masters International's Members, either at an event or from the Home Office, it is common that I hear something like “I know that it takes money to make money, and right now I just don’t have any.” Regardless of where you may be financially, the most important thing to remember is that at some point everyone that has achieved financial independence had little to no money! So, what is the one common denominator that the wealthy have in common? What is the single thing that they can all point to and give credit to for their financial success?

Simply put, the wealthy became that way because they found one thing and stuck with it. Perseverance! Too many times we jump from one thing to another, always hoping that the grass will be greener on the other side…and it rarely is. Instead, if we make the decision to give 100% to one thing, whatever that one thing may be and to never give up regardless of the obstacles and challenges in our way, we will begin to see financial success and ultimately, experience true financial freedom.

While this rarely happens overnight (nothing lasting ever does), measurable success will be seen very, very quickly. Then, by following the core principles found in WMI’s “Six Steps to Freedom”, you will begin to experience exponential wealth creation. At first, it will appear in your daily mindset, and then it will manifest in your bank and investment accounts. And all of this will take place in an incredibly short period of time! Think about it this way: Are you willing to apply yourself 100% for the next 3-5 years in order to experience a lifetime of financial freedom? If the answer is yes, then make the decision TODAY to get started. Then, make every day a new day and keep the past where it belongs….in the past. Your perseverance will grow with each passing day and after the first 30 days, you will have formed new and exciting habits that will ensure your success. I look forward to seeing you at the top!

Kip Herriage
CEO and Co-Founder, Wealth Masters International

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