The Root of the Issue
By Robert Ringer
If there's one thing that Wayne Allyn Root excels at, it's getting people's attention. In an age of politically correct tiptoeing, Wayne dishes out the truth, sans sugarcoating. That's what has made him a frequent guest on such shows as Neil Cavuto's Your World and The Glenn Beck Program.
Now, with his just-released book, The Conscience of a Libertarian, Wayne covers the entire spectrum of political and social issues. And in doing so, he manages to stay focused on the root of the issue: liberty. Covering everything from abortion to government bailouts to health care, what makes him stand out from reach-across-the-aisle conservatives is his consistency. It is a trait for which I enormously respect him.
The title The Conscience of a Libertarian is, of course, a play on Barry Goldwater's famous book, The Conscience of a Conservative. It's no coincidence that Goldwater is one of Root's heroes. What's interesting is that when Goldwater ran for president in 1964, many thought of him as a right-wing zealot. And, as a result, he lost in landslide to incumbent Lyndon B. Johnson.
The truth? Barry Goldwater was a libertarian-centered conservative, cut in the mold of the Founding Fathers. For example, Root points out that Goldwater called it “conservative” to not want government in your bedroom. As one of his other heroes, Ronald Reagan, said, “The very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism.” Had Goldwater written his book today, he might very well have named it The Conscience of a Libertarian.
One of the more important aspects of Root's book is that he takes former Columbia classmate Barack Obama to task - head on. No niceties or political correctness, thank you - just the bold, raw truth. It's understandable he says that some might refer to him as “the Anti-Obama.” I would go one step further and say that The Conscience of a Libertarian is the ultimate anti-Obama book.
In this fast-paced work, Root disrobes just about every Obama scheme the president has pulled off to date, and, even more important, the schemes he is still trying to sell to the American Public. One of the points I especially appreciated in this regard is when he said:
“Once the clear-cut majority of people either work for government, or collect a paycheck from government, the majority will vote for higher and higher taxes on the minority (those who earn their own keep, create jobs, risk their money to build business). Why not? Taxes aren't painful, as long as someone else has to pay them.”
He later warns, “Giving government power is always a dangerous idea. Today government may use that power on your behalf. You may applaud government's decision. But tomorrow government may change sides and decide to use the power you have given them … against you. The best solution is to never give the government that authority, power, or control in the first place - simply because (drum roll please) it's none of the government's darn business.”
I was happy to see Wayne define the term Libertarian as someone who “is fiscally conservative, socially tolerant, pro freedom, pro constitution, standing for more rights for the individual, and reducing the size, scope, and power of government.” He goes on to say that if you word it that way, the LP has the potential to attract a majority of U.S. voters.”
For me, he nailed it with these words. I have always believed that there are millions of conservatives who don't realize that they are very much aligned with libertarianism - in other words, the kind of conservatism that Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan believed in.
Those of us who believe that liberty is the key issue - that it must be given a higher priority than all other objectives - need to stop the infighting and academic debates and join arms. The enemy - progressivism - is relentless. Progressives love it when the other side brawls internally and surely would hate the thought of conservatives and libertarians joining forces. Wayne Root has it right - libertarian right.
Finally, true to his bold, relentless nature, Root closes out his 350-page book by making it clear that he is the man to lead the Libertarian Party to first-class status in 2012. Had he not done so, he wouldn't be Wayne Allyn Root. He is a bold leader who is prepared to fight to return America to its libertarian-centered conservative roots.
It's almost a cliché to call a book required reading, but it's definitely true of The Conscience of a Libertarian. It is a rare combination of important, factual content conveyed in an entertaining, easy-to-understand style. Wayne's writing is both breezy and pithy, which makes you anxious to see what's coming on the next page. There is not a dull spot anywhere along the way, so fasten your seat belt.
If you would like to “hear” a knowledgeable voice cover all of America's ills - and offer workable solutions in a consistently pro-liberty manner - you will absolutely love The Conscience of a Libertarian.
Robert Ringer
For more information on Wayne, go to http://www.rootforamerica.com/
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